The Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Qld) defines “dangerous drug” to include those listed in Schedule 1 or 2 of the Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987 (Qld). These two schedules are exhaustive lists confirming which drugs are considered “dangerous” under Queensland law.
Schedule 1 includes drugs that are considered the most serious or harmful and includes methylamphetamines (aka ice, crystal meth), heroin, cocaine and 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA).
Schedule 2 includes drugs that are still considered serious and harmful but less so then the “hard” drugs of Schedule 1. These include drugs such as cannabis, diazepam and morphine.
The five main areas drug offences fall into are:
If you have been charged with any of these offences, or have been contacted by the police, our specialist team of criminal defence solicitors can provide you with expert advice and representation. For more information on drug offences and sentencing options follow the links below of call us on 07 3229 4459.
Aitken Whyte Lawyers Brisbane
2/414 Upper Roma Street
Brisbane QLD 4000